Through Terminal Manager software, produced by SCE, it is possible to acquire all the information relating to the SCMS BMS.
Communication can be established via Ethernet, USB, CAN or RS-485 depending on the type of BMS.
Through this communication it is possible to have the parameters of the installed battery management system available, perform a log and a graphical trace of the latter and configure the BMS.
The most important information available are:
♦ state of charge (SOC – state of charge)
♦Â operating mode (start, load or run)
♦Â state of travel,
♦Â warnings and alarms
♦ battery pack current
♦ minimum / average / maximum cell voltage
♦ minimum / average / maximum cell temperature
♦minimum / average / maximum temperature of electronics
♦Â remaining capacity (SOC)
♦Â health status (SOH)
♦Â life cycles
♦ voltages of all the cells
♦ value of all temperatures
♦ equalization status (active, deactivate and partialization of each cell)
♦ state of the fans
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